About Me

Don't Rely on Only Friends to Keep Your Salon Afloat

When I decided to open my own salon and spa, I had so many friends excited to try my services that I didn't think I needed to invest in marketing. Those friends did come in frequently, but their business turned out to just not be enough to keep my bills paid. I then remembered that before I began as a hairdresser, I drove many miles to see my favorite hair-stylist that I loved. That made me realize that I needed to advertise not just locally, but throughout the entire region. I drove an hour to my favorite hair-stylist, so why wouldn't my customers? I held a great "new customer discount", and soon those new customers from neighboring cities became regular customers once they realized how much they loved my technique. I created this blog to help other struggling business owners. I hope you can learn from my experiences!


Don't Rely on Only Friends to Keep Your Salon Afloat


The Power of Door Hangers: How They Can Benefit Political Campaigns

In the fast-paced world of politics, it's essential for candidates to find effective ways to connect with voters and get their message across. One powerful tool that often gets overlooked is the humble door hanger. Door hangers can be a game-changer in political campaigns, offering a unique way to reach voters directly in their homes.  Increased Visibility One of the primary benefits of using door hangers in political campaigns is the increased visibility they provide.

Reputation Management: Steering Public Perception in the Hospitality Sector

Crafting a stellar reputation is the cornerstone of success in the hospitality industry. A favorable public image can be the deciding factor between a business that thrives and one that simply survives. In this highly competitive sphere, public relations (PR) strategies are more than just damage control; they are crucial tools for shaping perception and cultivating loyalty. Understanding the Power of Public Image The first impression often sets the tone for a customer's entire experience.